The rise of Marxism and Socialism in the United Kingdom

I've been aware of something not quite right with society; something I was not able to put my finger on until fairly recently. This feeling of malaise has gradually been building up slowly but now it seems to have suddenly reached its zenith with the outbreak of Covid. I'm not an irrational person by any means and I have always used logic and rational thinking to guide me through life. But a lot of puzzling events have been happening lately, and things are starting to really not make sense at all. If you feel that everything is normal, other than the fact we are just riding through a global pandemic then stop reading now and carry on with your daily life. 

For a brief moment, I was contemplating whether I was developing some psychosis, over thinking things and obsessing over the jumble of thoughts running through my head. But every day, another little piece of the jigsaw fitted into place, and I felt like I was slowly waking up from some false reality which had been created around me, and now I am beginning to understand what I think is on the verge of happening. I cannot keep silent about the threat I sense any longer. This is going to be a long read so be patient.

The information I am giving you is going to be hard to believe for some, but blindingly obvious to others. If you think I have a vivid imagination, then that doesn't bother me at all. People are always reluctant to be receptive to notions that seem foolish or that conflict with their own beliefs, and will get angry, scornful or just plain derisive. Sometimes they will make you feel like you are on the verge of insanity. Those who wish to remain in their own well-established version of reality are probably happier remaining there, than letting themselves be drawn down the rabbit hole. As for me, I’m just exercising my freedom of speech. If I am imagining things then fine, I have a vivid imagination. If not well, something may turn a light bulb on in your head. Who knows? My blog is after all called ‘Vox Sana’. I have a duty and an obligation to my readership to remain open-minded, unless overwhelming evidence arises to suggest the contrary.

I think that maybe half the people in this country are still oblivious to anything being the slightest bit amiss. They are the ones who will be the most obedient; the ones most likely to follow commands without question. But the free thinkers who have started to question the strange events unfolding before them, have turned to other sources outside those to which they usually turn; sources the so-called predominantly left wing mainstream media try to bury, suppress or even just delegitimise with their fact checkers and 'conspiracy theory' labels. Make no mistake. The technocracy that comprises of huge megacorporations has zero interest in protecting you from misinformation. In fact, it is only concerned with making you believe the information that they want you to believe. Please inbox me and I will happily send you alternative news to follow if you are interested.

There is a guy whom I have been following for some weeks now on YouTube. He is called ‘Alex Belfield The Voice of Reason’. I would strongly recommend that you subscribe to his channel just to get some idea of the curious things taking place in our country. His opinion videos are giving the kind of information that you will not get on the politically correct BBC, and he seems to be getting a lot more of a following too. Speaking of the BBC, I’m sorry to say that it is no longer the respectable British institution it once was. It has been infiltrated by journalists who appear to be advancing a new kind of politics: revolutionary socialism (the core values of which do not involve journalistic integrity or objective reporting). This is not surprising because this ideology has become prevalent in a lot of our universities for a long while, and now it is in the public domain.  A lot of people speak of diversity in our society and how good it is. It is perhaps ironic that these same people are not consistent in their mental thought processes when it comes to diversity of opinion. Therein lies the rub.

Conservative views, which typically oppose gay marriage, non binary gender theory, the growing islamisation of our country, illegal immigration and Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter, have been gradually censored, and have now evolved into hate speech. This is now a criminal offense for which you can be potentially prosecuted. If you post something onto social media that another person takes offense at and subsequently reports to the police, you can now get some constable knocking at your door. When did our police start acting like the Stasi? Just to make it clear, I support gay marriage. I've never had a problem with two people of the same gender wanting to formalise their union, and gay marriage is now legally recognised by law, which I have no issue with. However, I also support the right of people to have an unfavourable opinion if they so desire. And it is now very clear to see that UK legislation is being used to turn dissenting voices into criminals. This is not a good thing at all. This is very wrong. Where does it end? Well, if things are left to continue, then there will be no end. Censorship that is effectively introduced via hate speech laws will only gather more and more momentum and right wing conservatives will eventually be moved further to the right until the day comes when they are considered extremists. In reality, it is the left who are becoming more and more extreme.

So what has happened? Well simply put, socialism is back again and is dividing our society. This is a sad outlook for the future. We can only hope that Tim Davie, the new Director General of the BBC is willing to get rid of the leftist propaganda rot. This includes Tory bashing news correspondents like Emily Maitlis as well as virtue signalling hypocrites like the ‘woke’ Gary Lineker who just loves to lecture the British public on morality from his ivory tower. Unfortunately, with so many TV licence cancellations happening on a daily basis, it is unlikely the BBC will survive in its current form. It doesn’t deserve to. No television channel spouting progressive left propaganda should receive any funding by our public as it is not representative of UK society as a whole.

I believe that each one of us should be free to live our lives how we please. We should not allow our freedoms to be restricted by an authoritarian state, and the government should have no involvement in our personal lives except in handling the things that we cannot do by ourselves. Millions of men did not die in two world wars so our freedom could be snatched away from us by fascists posing as antifascists. This kind of argument seems normal to me. And yet, that makes me a threat to a certain kind of ideology, where diversity of opinion and free thinking is dangerous. Therefore, people like me are slandered, vilified and made out to be the worst people imaginable. Do you see where I am going with this? I am a free thinker and like to question things and due to that ineluctable fact, I would be the first to disappear in a communist regime. I would end up tortured, imprisoned or even 'disappeared'. Socialist states demand total obedience and submission to its government. But as the great American orator Patrick Henry said in 1775 in a speech at the Second Virginia Convention, 'Give me liberty or give me death'. I have had enough of living this lie.

The West defeated communism in Soviet Russia just over 31 years ago (well more accurately, socialism since no country has ever made it to full-blown communism before collapsing under the weight of its own corruption and lies).  It was evil back then, and it still is evil. Unfortunately, I can see that this malevolence is now returning via Marxist indoctrination camps masquerading as universities. They are nothing of the kind. Diversity of thought is censored and conservative views no-platformed. It is not happening in all universities but certainly in a significant proportion. Some students today can be so traumatised when they hear opinions that conflict with their own narrow belief system that they need safe spaces. Gone is the notion of rational debate. They scream and shout like escaped lunatics exhibiting all the hallmarks of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Films and books need to have trigger warnings. We are talking about adults here, not toddlers having temper tantrums. Did I just take a step into the Twilight Zone? Is Rod Sterling about to make an appearance? This is insane! Just read the Daily Mail article below and you will understand what I’m on about.

The threat to Freedom of Speech at Universities

When progressive left ideas such as equality and identity politics (just another term for the way in which Marxism divides society into collective groups) are allowed to progress unchecked, then we end up with socialism. Let me say with no exaggeration, that socialism has been responsible for the deaths of over 100,000,000 people. I will one day elaborate further on that in another post. 

Now comes the sinister part. In order for a socialist state to replace a capitalist state, revolution is needed due to the fact that the two economic systems are incompatible with each other, and because seizure of private wealth and property from individuals has to be done by force since no rational person having made their wealth through both these things would willingly surrender either one. I am in no doubt that people who view capitalism in a negative way would have no issues with reconciling the prospect of a violent and bloody uprising and power grab with their skewed moral views. In their way of thinking, capitalism is inherently bad and unjust. Therefore, it is perfectly legitimate to use violent means to restore equality. 

The Labour Party under Corbyn and Momentum has now shifted so far to the left that it has reverted to full blown socialism. Even Michael Foot in the 1980s was not this extreme.  It is extremely unlikely that socialism will ever get into power while there are people alive who remember the horrors of living under such an oppressive regime and who can warn us about the dangers.  Even though many university students today have been tricked into thinking that socialism is somehow a better system than capitalism despite the fact it has failed repeatedly every time it has been implemented, I know otherwise. I am here to educate people and give them the other side of the picture that they should have been given at university.

The rise in Marxism has been evidenced by the growing popularity of Black Lives Matter, the now radical LGBT movement and climate change activist movements such as Extinction Rebellion, which create a hysterical, irrational panic in people to galvanise them into immediate action. Climate change activism is something I will cover in another post. For now, what I will say is that climate change has been politicised as a weapon to justify bringing about huge changes that are planned to take place between now and April 2021. Oh yes, it is no coincidence to my mind that Rishi Sunak recently announced an extension of the furlough scheme into March 2021. 

Most people have been aware of the presence of socialism in the UK for a while, but have never considered it as a significant threat. It has been around for longer than people perhaps realise, but it rose to recent prominence with the rise of Corbynism and the founding in 2015, of a new organisation called Momentum. This was a staggering lurch to the political left from the old ‘New Labour’ politics of Tony Blair, which had been dying a slow death anyway since the time Ed Milliband had succeeded Gordon Brown as Labour leader.  ‘New Labour’ had been a more right-wing rebranding of the Labour Party of the mid 90s, which had allowed them to finally get into power in 1997 as a viable alternative to the Conservatives who by that time, had lost the confidence of the entire nation due to allegations of sleaze, deviant sexual behaviour, cronyism and big fat cat salary increases.

What on earth though has allowed socialism to suddenly rear its ugly head as if from nowhere? What else has helped to create the perfect conditions for a socialist revolution to take place, besides the usual divide and conquer tactics, deceit, lies and emotional manipulation taking place?

One phenomenon has been hiding in plain sight, although the truth did not click with me until relatively recently. That is the current leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis. He is the first pope to come from the Society of Jesus or the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits are priests and brothers from the Society of Jesus, the most progressive order in the Catholic Church, and their doctrine seems globalist in nature as they are first and foremost missionaries. The leader of the Jesuit order is known as the Superior General and the present incumbent is Father Arturo Sosa, a native of Venezuela. The previous Superior General was Adolfo Nicolás who recently passed away in Tokyo on May 20th 2020. The Superior General of the Society of Jesus has been described as the most powerful man in the world, and even Pope Francis is considered second in command to him. The Superior General has sometimes been referred to in a derogatory way, as the Black Pope. He is also said to be the leader of the New World Order; something which I will deal with in a later post. Pope Francis is an extremely charismatic Pope, the likes of which we have never had before. However, his various utterances have caused quite a stir within the traditional wing of the Catholic faith, whose bishops have denounced as heresy.

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as the new pope on the 13th March, 2013. Pope Francis was the name given to the new pope. Since that time, it has felt as if much of the world, the Catholic Church included, is slipping inexorably into a communist regime. It is sad to think that even the mighty Catholic Church can fall prey to such a thing.

There is a fable about a frog that once fell into a vessel of hot water that was being heated on a stove. As the water got hotter and hotter, the frog managed to regulate its body temperature accordingly and thus remained unaware of any danger. When the water had almost reached boiling point, the frog, although sensing its life was in peril, was no longer able to escape and was boiled alive. I first heard this story at my college's annual Proclamation during a speech given by a guest speaker. Of course, I now realise it's not true, but at the time, it really had quite an impact on my young mind, and it's a cautionary tale that describes perfectly what has been happening in society.

The truth of what was happening finally dawned on me during the lockdowns which our government were imposing. The missing elements which were needed to complete the scenario were finally in place. I will list them briefly:

A police force no longer serving the public interest but the interest of the state

The police are now going around enforcing strict lockdown rules and imposing fines and penalties to people who are in breach. It doesn't matter if people think they have valid exemptions. It doesn't matter that the UK Gov website states that exemption certificates are not required. In some places, the police are ignoring this and demanding medical evidence such as a doctor's note. The police are now acting like the Stasi.

Strong evidence of lies and obfuscation

This is happening with Covid-19. The public are being misled, deliberately panicked and lied to. Figures and Covid death rates are being manipulated. The media are scaring people by using alarmist language like 'mutant strains'.

Rules that just do not make any sense or which cannot be legally defined 

Such an example is the tier system, which has not always been applied with any proper logic or sense. Another is the ban on alcohol sales unless you are buying a substantial meal. What does substantial even mean? But worst of all is the disgusting way in which school children have been treated and their education neglected. It's all very well if you can be home schooled, but if not, then it is disastrous. A lot of children are developing mental health problems due to lack of stimulation.

Mask wearing becoming more and more prevalent

It won't be long, I guess, before we are required to wear masks at all times when outside. People are already doing that now because they are that worried. While they are wearing their masks, they are slowly suffocating their bodies by inhaling the same fetid carbon dioxide they have just exhaled. This is nothing more than a way of ritual humiliation and a display of obedience to the nascent communist state. Society has been divided into two groups; the lions and the sheep. The sheep are the ones who would thrive in a socialist state because they have blind faith that their government is looking out for their interests. The lions like me are questioning everything they are being told to do if it does not seem right to them. The sheep are the people who unknowingly aid and abet the communist government. They will be the ones screaming at anyone who is not wearing a mask, or deriding them for not observing the rules. They will denounce people or report them to the authorities. A whole new phenomenon of snitching on those who do not comply with the strict restrictions has been encouraged. They are labelled as 'covidiots'; a name which does nothing but shame people.

Hero Worship of the NHS

This pretty much speaks for itself. Think about the first lockdown when we were all encouraged to clap every Thursday at 8pm for our wonderful National Health Service. Don't get me wrong. I am extremely proud of all those nurses and doctors who have been on the frontline in the battle against Covid. But this ritualised veneration does have echoes of something a little sinister.

Endless lockdowns until our economy crashes

Yes, I believe these lockdowns are being deliberately planned so the whole UK economy and that of other countries will eventually collapse. This would be the perfect excuse to bring in a new monetary and economic system to replace the current model. It's far less brutal than a bloody revolution although the end result will be the same.

All these changes are taking place under our very noses and many people are completely oblivious to what is going on. All they know is that the government is telling people to do this and that on the pretext that in doing so, we are contributing to the welfare of society. 'Stay at home and save lives' is the mantra that is often parroted. Just how many people are on the verge on bankruptcy, suicide or despair behind closed doors?

Our government seems to be run by very despicable people right now. One day these bastards will be held accountable for their actions in a court of law. I cannot wait for the day.


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