Black Lives Matter Part 1: Prehistory



First of all, let me state that this blog post is not a racial diatribe against black people. Of course black lives matter, as do indeed all lives. Whatever our skin colour happens to be and whatever our ethnic origins, we are all part of the same race: homo sapiens or the human race. However, I do make a distinct separation behind the statement that black lives matter (an utterance so obvious that only a terrible person would disagree with it) and the actual movement itself which has less to do with racial justice and everything to do with Marxism and a radical extreme left agenda.

America has been through all of this before, and this is the tragedy of it all. It seems like we have not learnt from history. But for those who are too young, naive, ignorant, and dare I say stupid to understand the fundamental truth: that America doesn’t have any significant problem with racism, only with cultural Marxism, there has been a remarkable resource of information available to us at the tips of our fingers. It’s been a little over 30 years since people have had the means of disseminating information throughout the world that is easily accessible at the click of a button. Why have people not taken the initiative to do some research online that would easily disprove the narrative? I am talking of course about the World Wide Web. Well the answer is that our minds have been conditioned into believing a sole version of events and rejecting all other possibilities as being misinformation. This has come at the expense of critical thinking. This left-wing narrative is being pushed by the same big tech corporations that we use as our go-to primary source of information on the internet, the biggest of which is Google.

People who were not even born until after the collapse of the former Soviet Union would have no collective memory of communism or how it is able to infect and spread like a cancer within a well functioning society. All it takes to indoctrinate a whole generation of young idealistic students with no experience or prior knowledge of communism, is indoctrination through education and media, government propaganda and a whole lot of time and patience. The cultural Marxists responsible for the subversion of America’s values certainly had the patience to see this long term plan through to completion. We are now seeing the fruits of this indoctrination. America is full of young students who hate their own country and its values and think of themselves as a racist nation of white supremacy built on the backs of the black slave trade. So bad is their self-loathing that they will happily revolt against a system of black and minority oppression, burning neighbourhoods down to the ground, looting small stores and businesses which they see as symbols of evil capitalism and setting fire to American flags. But I’m digressing slightly. To understand what BLM is all about and what their true purpose is, all we have to do is go back a bit further in time where we can see that Cultural Marxism has struck before. We can learn the lessons of history by reading about some of the people whom Marxists have cruelly exploited in order to advance their own agenda. One of these people is an African-American man: a former member of the Communist Party USA who became completely disillusioned with the communists, left the party in 1939 and finally published a book in 1958 called ‘Color, Communism and Common Sense’ to warn others. His name is Manning Johnson.

Manning Johnson became a member of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) in 1930. Communism had spread to the United States due to Soviet infiltration after World War 1. At the time, a lot of organisations which purported to fight for racial justice and black people had already been infiltrated by Marxists. Thus, they could use racial inequality as the front to attract people to the cause. In his own words, Manning says that he was lured into the red movement by the American Negro Labor Congress. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, was another such progressive organisation that was acting as a front to exploit the trusting nature of black people. Johnson supported the NAACP initially, but after he had left the Communist Party, he would publicly denounce them. 

In Broadway Tabernacle in Seattle, WA, Manning Johnson recorded a speech that would be known as his farewell address. In this speech, he practically gives the NAACP both barrels. The contents of that speech make a few points which have a lot of relevance to what is happening today with Black Lives Matter.

“The NAACP collects millions of dollars through racial incitement. They go out of their way to create race issues, because the more race issues they create the more they have got an appeal for begging for funds, but what do they do with that money. What do they do with it?”

What are BLM doing with all the money they raised? It is certainly not benefitting black people or being used to fight racial injustice. The evidence actually suggests that a lot of the funds raised by BLM in America are actually being used to fund the Democratic campaign.

Futher one in his speech, he says:

“You know what the trouble with the NAACP is? Not only the radical element that we find operating, but you see, is that the NAACP always harps on Negro rights, but it never says anything about Negro responsibility. Because there cannot be equal rights without equal responsibility.”

The meaning I have taken from this is that black people must take responsibility for their own successes and failures. They are not oppressed or victims due to their skin colour which is the poisonous ideology with which Marxists are trying to condition them. If black people believe that the whole system is built on white supremacy and is racist against them, they will remain forever held back by this self-defeating attitude.

I want to cite one final quote from this speech:

"Unfortunately, it’s only a Negro minority of intellectuals and Leftist Negro creatures who presume to speak for all of the Negro people. They try to silence all oppositions by calling anyone who disagrees with them as “Uncle Toms.”

Where have we heard this racial slur before? Well I have heard it being used a lot by white middle class students and black Marxists during the violent protests in America, taking place  in many Democratic cities, to denigrate black right wing conservatives and even more disgustingly, black police officers who were just doing their job. An ‘Uncle Tom’ is a race traitor.

On June 26th, 1959 Johnson died in an automobile accident. Many said that his death was highly suspicious, but there has been no evidence found to support this claim.

In 1969, G. Edward Griffin, an American writer and documentary film producer, mentioned Manning Johnson when speaking about the dangers of Communism in a 1969 documentary. Watch this video extract from that documentary and you will notice some remarkable similarities with today. I certainly felt a strong sense of déjà-vu when I watched the video for the first time.


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