My Red Pill Moment: when I realised that the Mainstream Media were lying to me

Most of you who have watched the1997 movie The Matrix will probably understand the expression ‘red pill’, which seems to have gained a lot of traction in recent months, particularly in the latter half of 2020. However, I’m not going to make the assumption that everyone who reads this will automatically know what I am talking about so for your benefit, I will give the following explanation.

The Matrix is set in some awful dystopian future, where the robots and machines have become intelligent and have risen against their erstwhile masters, the humans. Knowing that they are in a desperate battle for survival, the humans devise a plan called ‘Operation Dark Storm’ that involves blocking the sun’s rays, which is the machines’ power source. However, this proves to be catastrophic for human civilisation as it leads to crop failures and ultimately, famine and starvation. The machines meanwhile, manage to adapt to lack of sunlight, and find a way of harvesting energy from humans themselves, encapsulating them in these pods where they effectively become living battery cells.

In order to keep the enslaved humans unaware of their demise, the machines create this extremely complex virtual reality software called the Matrix, which keeps the humans trapped in this fake reality, set at the apotheosis of human civilisation..

One of these humans, a young man by the name of Neo, works in a respectable company as a computer programmer. He is a person gifted with great insight for he realises that there is a niggling thought bothering him which is at the back of his mind; a feeling that there is something not quite right with the world. He starts questioning this idea in his head that his life is somehow being controlled or manipulated, and embarks on a search for the truth. His search eventually takes him on a journey along which he meets Morpheus. Morpheus turns out to be one of the red-pilled: one of the humans who has awakened and escaped from their bio-prison and is now a captain of a hovership called the Nebuchadnezzar with his crew of other humans. Their goal is to free other humans from the Matrix.

In order to wake up to the reality, Neo has to make a leap of faith. Rather than forcing him to accept the truth, Morpheus offers two pills to Neo, a blue pill and a red pill, one in each hand. He explains what the purpose of each is. The blue pill will allow Neo to continue to exist in the false reality in which he has hitherto been living. The red pill will allow him to wake up to a shocking reality.

“You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.”

Neo decides to take the red pill. Immediately after that, he suddenly awakes to find himself, naked and immersed in liquid, hooked up to a massive power plant by cables passing into his body. He is released from his liquid-filled chamber and the red pill turns out to contain a tracking device which allows the Nebuchadnezzar to find his body and rescue him.

If you have not seen this movie before, then I would highly recommend it. It is a must see movie, with part 4 scheduled to come out in December 2021. This is what the term red-pilling means: to wake up to the truth that everything you have been taught to believe is a lie. And trust me, when you have heard as much information as I have, there doesn’t seem to be any end to just how deep down the rabbit hole, it’s actually possible to go.

So when did I finally get red-pilled? Well I suppose the events that lead to that moment began around November 2020 with the USA elections.

I had seen the run up to the elections, and that Trump had been holding rallies all over America. These rallies were attended by thousands upon thousands of Americans from all walks of life. You’d have thought that they were attending some massive outdoor live rock concert or other huge gathering. The atmosphere was electric. Even I couldn’t help but feel a huge sense of excitement and optimism. These people were shouting and cheering for Trump like he was some God. The queues on the freeways were backed up bumper to bumper with SUVS waving massive Trump – Pence flags from their windows. Some cars were flying two flags, one on each side. I’ve never seen that much support ever for any politician living or dead.

By contrast, Joe Biden had spent most of the summer holed up in his basement, only emerging on the odd occasion when he saw his shadow; a bit like the Delaware version of Punxsutawney Phil. He did hold a few rallies, but due to the obvious politicization of Covid, they all observed the strict rules of social distancing. Even taking that into consideration though, you could see that there was hardly anyone there at Biden’s rallies. In fact, when I was watching live footage of the Biden rallies, I could actually see more Trump supporters out in number than Biden supporters. And as for Joe Biden himself, well he often seemed to forget what state he was actually in.

I saw it as a good investment to place a bet on Trump becoming President. So at odds of 6-4, I did just that, having a £600 flutter with Sky Bet. If I won, I would get a return of £1,500 including my original investment.

When November the 3rd came, I could see that Trump was doing really well, and was in place to win. It seemed a little strange that the mainstream media were calling states very early for Biden while at the same time, not calling out states that Trump was going to be certain to win. It seemed quite...unfair to be honest.

By the next day, Biden had somehow gotten ahead of Trump in all the swing states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Ohio. Of course, no one had any doubt that a lot of the people who were voting for Biden, were doing so by postal voting, but even so.  In order to overtake Trump, Biden must have pulled off some kind of spectacular miracle. It wasn’t long before I realised that there had been no miracle. There had been a massive wide-scale voter fraud taking place though, and the reports were coming in thick and fast.

I turned on the BBC, expecting to see some kind of report on the allegations of voter fraud. Instead, all I could see were headlines inaccurately proclaiming Joe Biden was now the President Elect. When eventually there was some story, all it suggested was that the claims of voter fraud were unsubstantiated or that there was no evidence to begin with. Trump was therefore just being a sore loser using lawsuits as some excuse for clinging on to power.

After a while, the evidence of voter fraud got more and more difficult to ignore. Eventually, it was obvious that something had taken place on a massive scale, and several countries outside the US were implicated. And still the BBC news website reiterated the same story about lack of evidence. Lack of evidence? There were hundreds of affidavits pouring in, and reports of vote rigging that were so numerous, that it was quite clear every trick under the book had been used. If there was a way of cheating, then it had been done. The evidence was all there to see on the following website:  

And yet, people still didn’t want to know, as they were so wrapped up in their own version of reality.  Any news reports on the voter fraud got fact checked and labelled as missing context or being false.

I eventually realised something. The mainstream media were never interested in the truth. Neither was the BBC any longer a credible news source. They had become nothing but propaganda channels. I also realised that for most of my adult life, I had trusted progressive left leaning big tech corporations like Google, Facebook and Twitter as unbiased arbiters of factual information. I mean, this was why they had started to use fact checkers, right? They were interested in preventing the spread of misinformation, or at least so I had assumed.

It dawned on me that in actual fact, these fact checkers were not interested in the truth; only their version of the truth. Therefore anything that did not support the narrative these global technocrats were trying to create was not allowed to exist as a credible news source. Even Trump’s Facebook posts complaining of the fraud were fact-checked and usually came with the following messages:

“Both voting in person and voting by post have a long history of trustworthiness in the US. Voter fraud is extremely rare across voting methods.”

“Election officials follow strict rules when it comes to ballot counting, handling and reporting.”

“Differences between final results and initial vote counts are due to it taking several days after polls have closed to ensure that all votes are counted.”

And finally when the New York Post covered the Hunter Biden Laptop story, the social media companies did their best to suppress and censor the news.

Eventually this led me to the most obvious question. If the mainstream news were lying about the US elections, how could I trust them to be objective with other news? The answer was obvious. I couldn’t. All this time, they had been censoring news that was not consistent with the Covid-19 medical advice promulgated by the CCP and then immediately parroted by the WHO, whether that be video footage of doctors and nurses speaking favourably about Hydroxychloroquine, articles questioning the efficacy of wearing masks or the usefulness of lockdowns, anything in fact which questioned the right that our own government had to take away our individual freedoms and liberties and to start using the very police force meant to protect us as enforcers of this strict brand of authoritarianism seeping in

I also realised that people had literally been brainwashed into believing certain things; the most obvious being that Trump was some fascist hate-mongering dictator who was hatching some undemocratic plot to remain in power, a megalomaniac who was subverting American democracy. If I honestly believed that, I would have no doubt felt the same thing as they did. Not for one moment however, did I have any negative opinions on the man other than his reputation as a womanizer. And although this may be true, the same thing could be said for Joe Biden himself. No one is perfect and everyone has their bad side. What matter are policies, not personalities. And Trump’s policies were reversing the socialist ones that the Democrats had implemented under Obama and which had taken money from poor, white working class Americans and sent it to foreign countries, like Iran. Iran what the actual flip?!  No, Trump was not subverting democracy. He was defending it for his electorate. And this is why he has still not conceded.

To get to the real character of Trump, I had to sift through a load of left-wing garbage and lies, pushed to the front of Google’s search results by its biased algorithms. But it was worth doing so in the end. I then found out the real reason why he wanted to build a wall at the Mexican border, why he imposed the ban for transgender people who wanted to serve in the armed forces, and what the slogan Make America Great Again actually meant.

Being red-pilled is an ongoing thing which has not stopped at the US Presidential elections. Anything I see that is labelled as a conspiracy theory, fact checked or labelled as inaccurate, will henceforth have my undivided attention. I will no longer dismiss something as false or misleading just because Snopes or Reuters tells me to. By the way, I don’t care how well respected Reuters may be. Our BBC also once had a reputation for balanced journalism and objective reporting. That reputation now lies in tatters.

There is nothing to stop me from going further down the rabbit hole. In fact, there is no end in sight. It's a lonely world when you are red-pilled. You are going against popular opinion. Friends will think you are weird or have just lost the plot. They may even decide to drop you like a hot potato.

This is why I have decided to do further reading on so-called debunked conspiracy theories. Debunked! The progressive leftist media really seem to like that word. There is nothing more efficient than shooting down a story in flames with a simple one word past participle. There is a lot of reading still to do and my reading list gets longer and longer as the days go by: the Great Reset; QAnon; the Great Awakening; the Deep State; the Cabal or the Illuminati; the heretical Jesuits; Pizzagate and child rape and torture; Adrenochrome; Satanic or Luciferian worship; Bill Gates and his attempt to control the world population by injecting us with nanobots via the Covid-19 vaccines; the Galactic Federation of Light and 5D Ascension; even telepathic communication with alien races. David Icke and his fascinating videos on archons and reptilians are no longer off limits. To be honest, there have been times when I have felt like I have ventured so deeply into this subworld of conspiracy theories that I thought I might never resurface again. There have been a couple of times where for the sake of my sanity, I have had to pull myself from the brink. It certainly has been a very exciting world to have explored.

You know, a lot of this may well turn out to be a load of bunkum. So what? From now on, it is I who will decide what does or doesn’t constitute conspiracy theory. It is I who will decide for myself what is true or false. And I will not let any big global tech giant with more wealth than many nations combined, control what I think or believe when these same companies have no interest in anything other than serving their own self-interests.



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