The return of an old enemy disguised with a new name


Have you seen the movie 1984 with John Hurt? Are you old enough to remember the Cold War between Soviet Russia and the West or how people in eastern bloc countries lived under a communist regime that fed them lies and propaganda? Can you recall the Chernobyl Power Plant nuclear disaster that contributed to the decline of the USSR, and the fall of the Berlin Wall that heralded its eventual collapse on December 25th 1991? Do you remember thinking to yourself how lucky we are to live in a free society where the media is less biased and journalism more balanced, and people can say what they want without fear of arrest and incarceration in gulags for wrongthink?

What if I said that we were turning into an authoritarian state? That we have been brainwashed and our thoughts manipulated? That mainstream media, even the BBC has become an unreliable source of information and propaganda channel? It sounds far-fetched doesn't it? But it's true. Today's journalists, television presenters, scriptwriters and personalities usually come, not from hallowed institutions of learning where diversity of opinion and thought are encouraged; not from those places that we once knew as universities or schools, but from indoctrination camps where freedom of speech has been heavily censored for a long while. These influencers espouse a new brand of politics: globalist socialism. socialism might be known by other variants like democratic socialism, eco-socialism, liberal socialism, utopian socialism etc. to confuse you and muddy the water, but it amounts to pretty much the same thing: socialism. I've seen several websites refer to the economic model used in Scandinavian Countries like Sweden and Denmark as democratic socialism. This is not only wrong but misleading. A country that allows for a free market economy cannot be socialist by any definition. For a country to be socialist, its government has to own the means of production, otherwise, it is just a form of capitalism with stronger socialist elements. Bernie Sanders, who refers to himself as a democratic socialist has perhaps caused that confusion. He has been reported saying that he does not believe the government should own the means of production, and he points to these Scandinavian countries as examples. Well in that case, he should not be using the word socialist at all as these countries have free market economies. It makes about as much sense as me using a phrase like 'altruistic theft' or 'non-verbal speech'.

Countries that were under communist regimes were traditionally secretive and closed, where information did not get in or out. That is why the capitalist West and the USSR were engaged in a Cold War, when espionage was commonplace. However, now socialism seems to have evolved into a new form, whose ideology has done away with borders altogether. 

The Chinese Communist Party has doubtless been complicit in the spread of socialism to the West, as has the EU. There is substantial evidence that they lied to the world about Covid. I do not believe this outbreak just happened by accident either. It was likely created in a laboratory in Wuhan and possibly released in late 2019 at the opportune moment when thousands upon thousands of Chinese tourists would soon be getting ready to leave China's air space and celebrate the Chinese New Year all over the world. If it were an accidental outbreak, which I have some doubts about, it could not have come at much a better time for spreading the contagion as far and as wide as possible in such a short period of time.

These foreign tourists became the first Covid-19 super-spreaders. By the time we were warned by the World Health Organisation (the globalist health agency that has become corrupted by China's money), it was already here in Europe. When US President Donald Trump pointed the finger at China, China accused the US of spreading lies and put the blame on some 300 US military members when they came to Wuhan in October 2019 for the Military World Games. Recently, SKY News Australia reported that evidence of China's deception had come to light. The Chinese Communist Party in predictable fashion then blamed foreign food imports from other countries, including Australia, to deflect suspicion.

Right now there is an invisible battle going on that pits good against evil; truth against untruth; facts against feelings; unity against division and conservatism against progressive leftism. It threatens to split the Church of Rome between the traditionalists and progressives, and the world between the nationalistic, capitalist Old World Order and the globalist, socialist New World Order. Most of you are not even aware this war is even taking place. You are too deeply entrenched in your own version of reality; a reality that I am no longer a part of.

You see, I'm a free thinker and I have chosen the red pill. I am in the process of awakening from the matrix as I have chosen not to allow my mind to be enslaved or my thought processes manipulated by Big Tech and the mainstream media anymore.

Now it is your turn to decide. Will you awake and escape this controlling world that subjugates your mind; that controls your thinking and your thoughts? Or will you remain asleep in blissful ignorance. The world is on the brink. The harmony of light and dark has been thrown out of balance, and society is falling apart. An evil cabal that people refer to as the Deep State or the Illuminati, which is comprised of the most elite, the wealthiest and the most powerful people on the planet, are said to be orchestrating some global social-engineering experiment known as the Great Reset or Agenda 21, which will turn our world into what they refer to as the 'New World Order'. These people apparently exist everywhere, even within our UK government and the Vatican in Rome, known as the Deep Church, and they are using fear and panic to keep us in endless lockdowns and testing our obediance by making us follow strict rules which are getting more contradictory and less logical as time goes on. Is this Great Reset just a conspiracy theory? I doubt it. It seems nigh on impossible to dismiss as it as such when several world leaders have alluded to it directly including Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles and even our prime minister, Boris Johnson. And when Klaus Schwab, the executive chairman of the  World Economic Forum publishes a book with 'The Great Reset' as the title, the evidence is there in black and white.

In the USA, one man with his loyal following of freedom-loving law abiding patriots is standing up to this swamp, or so the story goes. Our mainstream news reports over and over, the narrative that Biden is President Elect. What a joke! Joe will be lucky if he doesn't end up in Guantanamo considering his shady connections with communist China and news reports of him and his son Hunter Biden receiving cash bribes from Ukrainian company, Burisma. Donald J. Trump and his supporters will never willingly allow America to become a communist state; not after the biggest election steal in US history. Those of us that have awaken from our matrix and those yet to awaken, will by the grace of God, stand up to, and through the forces of light, defeat this evil scourge.

War is coming. Pick your side and choose freedom.


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