Black Lives Matter Part 1: Prehistory
LIES BLACK LIVES MATTER! First of all, let me state that this blog post is not a racial diatribe against black people. Of course black lives matter, as do indeed all lives. Whatever our skin colour happens to be and whatever our ethnic origins, we are all part of the same race: homo sapiens or the human race. However, I do make a distinct separation behind the statement that black lives matter (an utterance so obvious that only a terrible person would disagree with it) and the actual movement itself which has less to do with racial justice and everything to do with Marxism and a radical extreme left agenda. America has been through all of this before, and this is the tragedy of it all. It seems like we have not learnt from history. But for those who are too young, naive, ignorant, and dare I say stupid to understand the fundamental truth: that America doesn’t have any significant problem with racism, only with cultural Marx...