Fight For Trump: The MAGA March to Washington D.C.

Trump supporters know that if Biden gets into the White House, then so will China by proxy, and global communism will have defeated western democracy. This will convey the clear message that lies, deception and cheating are perfectly fine and acceptable ways to achieve political ends.

Most people who follow conservative news channels, in other words non-mainstream news, know that there was there wide-scale voter fraud. It was on a scale so blatant and so huge that it managed to change the outcome of the election itself, thereby cheating over 74,000,000 registered voters out of a free and fair election.

Every trick under the sun was used to subvert the 2020 elections, from dead people voting to ballot dumps and even fake ballots. But the biggest and most adacious thing by far was the Dominion electronic voting software which was used to flip votes from Trump to Biden, not to mention outside interference by several countries. Trump had to lose, you see? He needed to be defeated whatever the cost. This is where the Deep State or cabal, formed from both sides of the political divide, joined forces to subvert the will of the American electorate and to undermine democracy itself while accusing Trump of the same when he tried to contest the election results.

Typical marxist hypocrisy. I've seen it so many times already.

If you supported Biden, you unwittingly supported their riot instigators Black Lives Matter.

You unwittingly supported the Democrats' left wing thugs and militia group Antifa.

You unwittingly supported China's expansionist goals and you unwittingly supported a left wing agenda so extreme, that it has violated every Christian belief I grew up with. Can you understand if I refuse to be given any lesson in morals by certain people?

But what angers me the most: when you laughed at the idea of a Mexican wall, you also laughed unwittingly at the plight of thousands of innocent children trafficked across the border to be used for the sexual gratification of evil child abusers and rapists. I hope the truth gets out in due course. I hope one day you will hang your head in shame for supporting such evil. Then, only then will you understand the innder anguish and silent anger I have been suppressing for far too long. Enough already! Soon, God willing, it will be your turn.

Don't even get me started on that communist and fake Catholic pope that illegitimately occupies the throne of St. Peter and the Holy See of Rome. However, Pope Francis is not acting alone. There is another authority said to be even higher than Pope Francis; that is the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal SJ, otherwise known as the Black Pope. It is Sosa, not Francis who is the most powerful man on earth. It is Sosa who is pulling the strings; the one who is to be part of the New World Order. Pope Francis is his acolyte. But both are complicit in the Great Reset and have been spreading their global communism and heresy within the Catholic Church. Indeed it is said that the Jesuits, the Vatican assassins, have been responsible for many wars and conflicts, famous assassinations such as Abraham Lincoln and JFK, and the installation of fascist states.

Whatever happens, I'm judging no one, not even those whose who seem enamoured with Pope Francis. I'm not sure just how much people knew or understood the evil and malevolent forces at play here. But in any event, we will all hopefully leave our 2021 much wiser people than we were when we left our 2020.

If civil war happens, then so be it. Sometimes war is a necessary evil. The rhetoric of the Democratic Party certainly seems to be pushing for war. Freedom must always prevail. Tyranny and oppression have to be resisted if people are to live as free individuals.

Make no mistake. A lot of people may well die very soon. There seems little chance of stopping the inevitable violence and bloodshed, if things do not change. I doubt it very much. Not unless the National Guard and the military can quickly suppress any uprisings. Who is controlling the military right now anyway? Why is the National Guard all in Washington? Why is the whole area of D.C.  fortified like some concentration camp?

And all the while, our own BBC continues to destroy its own credibility relentlessly with its ever desperate mantra of 'unsubstantiated evidence of voter fraud' along with the other mainstream news channels. I stopped listening to the BBC a long time ago. Time for me to defund and stop financing it. Hopefully it won't be able to harm children with its vile marxist claptrap for much longer.







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