A Plea for Unity and Rational Thinking

Western society is very sick at the moment. Never before have we been so divided. We used to be a country full of proud patriotic British people who waved Union Jack flags during the Last Night at the Proms, singing Rule Britannia. Our voices rang out in unison. People were proud to be British. Now we just seem to be a society that has been grouped, not by social class but by ethnicity, religion, sexual preference and political leanings. Each collective group is competing with each other to get to the dominant position at the top. Society is falling apart. The idea of the traditional heterosexual family unit is seen as somehow part of white culture.

My name is Peter. This is the name which gives me my uniqueness as an individual; the name that sets me apart from others. People might class me as a right wing nowadays, which is strange really because I considered myself left wing a few years back. Right wing, left wing, what do these terms mean anymore? They are clearly not objectively definable, and even if you could reach a consensus as to what these terms represented, not all of my beliefs and values would sit on just one side of the political spectrum, and the same goes for a lot of people. I am ethnically grouped as a British white Caucasian. Why does that matter? I have always considered myself as one race; Homo sapiens, the human race. Perhaps we should have more accurately labelled ourselves 'Homo insapiens' because what we are doing right now to ourselves is anything but wise. If anything, it is the pure embodiment of insanity. And if there were ever a time when I wanted to be quoted, it is here right now. We need to stop being insane. When did we stop being able to talk and discuss things rationally as humans? I know at the end of the day we are naught but civilised apes, but did we go through several millennia of war and bloodshed just to regress into tribalism and screaming and shouting?

In any case, I do not claim to be self-righteous. I am not perfect; far from it. As a human, I am guilty of sometimes falling foul of the same standards by which I judge others. But whenever I start acting in this judgemental way, I have an entourage of other people, even those who have a very political opinion, to challenge me or to offer me a different perception. And that of course, works both ways.

I may come across as arrogant sometimes, or I may appear to lack kindness or compassion. But there are never any bad intentions there. Sometimes I think that kindness has to at some point, be tempered with rationality, common sense and logic. Sometimes there comes a point when we need to say no to people because we have to think about how our decisions will impact on ourselves. I think the same sense of rationale holds true for the people we elect into power to safeguard our own interests. Decisions based on emotions and feelings rather than facts and evidence never lead to good political decisions. It is true that our world is in a mess; injustice, wars and poverty are everywhere. But that will always be the case due to corrupt governments and internal squabbles, which in turn lead to stagnation and underdevelopment.  Why should it be on us to get involved when we can’t even get our own house in order? Sure, we can provide food parcels in times of drought or severe economic hardship. But throwing money at the problem does not help if it falls into the wrong hands. Bombing other countries only leads to further displacement of people, and tides of refugees. Removing middle-eastern dictators and trying to establish Democracy achieves nothing except to power vacuums that are quickly filled by radical Islamic groups like Al Qaida or ISIS.

I think that most women would make weak leaders except for the very few who can think about problem solving in a more dispassionate way. It is harder for women to make sound decision because they are typically more guided by their emotions rather than by logic. However, there now seems to be a whole generation of men who are following the same path; men who have been emasculated by radical concepts devised by feminists who suggest that typical masculine traits that have been inherent in males since we evolved from apes, are suddenly toxic.

What I can say about myself is that however much I try to act like the typical model of masculine behaviour, I have my Achilles heel. I am very thin skinned, and not great at taking criticism without seeing it as a personal slight. I can brush off little attacks here and there. But it hurts. The reason for this is perhaps because I am lacking something that most people had from infancy: a healthy maternal bond that provided the unconditional love I needed to feel valued and confident as a human being. I know there is a term for it in psychologist’s lingo (something like self affirmation?).

Lately, I have noticed that people are getting nastier and more vitriolic. It is affecting my mental well being. These hurtful barbs cause me pain and wound me like daggers deep through the heart. The left have come to resemble the very thing they accused the right of being. They have become obnoxious, bullying and hysterical. There is a hideous invisible enemy seeping into the fabric of our society. I have noticed for a while just how divided we are becoming. We are getting more and more polarised as a nation and we are losing the glue that bonds us together. It is getting more and more bitter and acrimonious. People think our problems started after June 2016 with the Brexit referendum. They are wrong. Our disunion has been slowly developing for some time now. What is ironic is that this insidious division began with the innocent intentions of protecting people and by promoting ideas such as inclusivity and diversity. Can anyone understand where I am going with this train of thought?

We are more diverse than we have ever been. We are ironically more divided than ever. I can see the world has changed a lot since I was young. However, it has not changed for the better at all. We are just going through the same history we have already been through and lived countless times already. We can do so again, by recognising the enemy for what it is. It is conflict and division and it is poisonous to our society. It has given birth to separatist cults such as the KKK, radical feminism, the Transgender Rights Movement, and now, Black Lives Matter. It has already infiltrated all aspects of society from the very media we see on television and read in the mainstream news to what is being taught in the classrooms to our children and young adults. But the most insidious and by far the deadliest thing about this divisive ideology, is that it sometimes passes around unnoticed, invisible, often disguised as something innocuous such as Political Correctness, or it is taught through Critical Race Theory. It uses divide and conquer tactics to enable revolutions to arise from democratic, capitalistic systems. It suppresses freedom of speech and diversity of opinion and it slowly turns our open free societies into censored ones, where those who do not conform are severely punished and tortured. There is no religious freedom. In fact, there is no religion at all. The only form of worship allowed, is the worship of the actual regime itself. This is where I believe we are heading. The tendrils of Marxism and the new socialist revolution have infiltrated our entire society, arranging it into groups or collectives. What is known as Identity Politics is really just the birth of a nascent communist era. These fractures in society help foment the ideal conditions for revolution. In other words, we have been sleepwalking into a socialist society.

In short, we need to go back to our conservative roots if we want to make for a happier society. I really believe that. We need to stop this invisible force splitting us apart. We need to preserve free speech at all costs, not just the speech that is deemed acceptable, not the limited free speech that Angela Merkel believes in, but free speech period. This insidious indoctrination taking place in our schools and universities must not be allowed to continue.

Unfortunately, our country, and Western Europe have been shifting steadily to the left for a good many years, to such an extent that left wing progressive ideology such as open borders and globalisation, have now become part and parcel of mainstream culture. Consequently, those who support borders and free, independent countries have become marginalised. The media now refers to them by the disdainful term ‘far right’. We no longer have a true Conservative Party now except in name, since in order to remain popular and to compete with the Labour Party, the Tories have had to betray their core values and evolve into something that is centrist at best. The only right wing party we currently have is UKIP, which only a small minority of people support as they see it as a single-issue party that has now served its purpose. We either need a new grass roots conservative party to form, or else for our very own Conservative party to return to the values it used to stand for.

We also need to prepare ourselves for the biggest Armageddon that is coming. It is likely to begin in early January: the aftermath of the American presidential elections. Those that know me well know which way I am inclined. But I hope that this explain the fundamental reasons why I am inclined in that direction. Donald J. Trump has not always expressed himself clearly and without ambiguity when speaking publicly and I have not always been able to robustly defend his careless utterances and tweets. Obama once referred to him directly by name in order to exemplify the economic status that the average American hopes for. However, he represents all the values I have grown up to believe in. I am worried what will happen to democracy if the other side are allowed to get into power. I am worried that we have failed to learn the lessons of history or to remember why the Iron Curtain was built after the end of the Second World War.

We are now heading into the abyss. I wish I could be more optimistic but I’m afraid that, if we allow events to follow their course, we may one day see the collapse of western Capitalism, an economic model that may not be perfect but has nevertheless raised billions of people from poverty, and its replacement by a new globalised form of Socialism, which has ended up making everyone poorer except for the privileged people within its government who have been corrupted by power and wealth.

I no longer have any respect for mainstream media channels like CNN, or MSNBC or even the BBC. They have become in my opinion, nothing but tools for propaganda spewing lies and distorting truths to fit their narrative, losing all journalistic integrity and credibility in the process. It is almost as if they have been colluding with the Chinese Communist Party on how to sow division and destroy a country from within.

I do not wish to discuss this any further. It is too much of a contentious issue. I do not want any comments, regardless of whether you agree or disagree. If you do disagree, that's fine. Just don't expect me to respond. I no longer feel safe to engage in debate. But my message is simple:

Free your mind from this insanity. Never support any group that claims to fight racism while actually creating more of it.

Please be kind to one another but do not let anyone scream you down or dismiss you as racist, fascist or any other terms that do nothing but intimidate and bully you into submission.

Peace and love,



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