The Long Race to the White House Draws to a Close

Joe Biden was universally declared the President Elect of the United States on November 7th 2020 by the mainstream media and the big tech companies, and was even congratulated by several world leaders. Fundamentally, this was inaccurate. For now, Joe Biden remains nothing more than the Projected President. He is looking likely to become the 46th President of the United States. I can't deny that I was deeply puzzled about how Joe Biden pulled this off, and I am really concerned for the future of America as a world superpower. I saw Trump as the president who, despite his brash style, would stand up for pro life Christian values, fight globalism, terrorism, big tech censorship and illegal immigration, support law and order, put an end to the divisive teaching of Critical Race Theory and The 1619 Project (rewriting of American History) and advance the 1776 Project to replace it, end the indoctrination of Socialism and the censorship of conservative opinion taking place in schools and universities and uphold the values of individualism enshrined in the ethos of Martin Luther King, not divisive values of collectives espoused by Identity Politics, which is more in keeping with the values of Marxism.

Biden's party seems to be advancing a lot of socialist policies. One of the worst of these is to end the concept of illegal immigration. In other words, they will be giving amnesty to people who sneaked into the US illegally through the Mexican border, and then giving them voting rights. The borders themselves will be opened up. Other plans include abolishing the death penalty, expanding the Affordable Care Act, his ‘Build Back Better’ plan, which will reverse Trump’s tax cuts, increase the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour and invest in green infrastructure and renewable energy. Biden has his very own green agenda that he calls the ‘Biden Deal’. This has some of the elements of AOC’s Green New Deal, but not in its entirety. The Green New Deal, if it were enacted, would aim to address climate change and economic inequality. It would likely cost trillions of dollars. Joe Biden will also be implementing mask mandates nationwide, turning the USA into some kind of Beijing replica and humiliating freedom loving Americans by exerting some kind of control over them. Let’s be clear. I am not against the wearing of masks if I believe they are effective and that they do work. But there is no universal consensus and no conclusive proof as to their efficiency when worn in public. It seems like everything else, that a certain narrative has been pushed forward by the left-wing media.

Joe Biden seems to be on very cordial terms with China as well, and there is some, as of yet to be proven, collusion going on between the CCP and the Democrats, hence Joe's nickname 'Beijing Biden'. China certainly supports Joe as President, and the reason for that was perhaps because Trump’s trade war with Xi Jinping did some serious damage to China’s exports.

The Democrats are certainly not a moderate party any more. They have been radicalised and their agenda is clearly very progressive. The actual moderate Democrats in the party must be worried about this pull to the left. If this radical element gets into power, there is little doubt that they have big plans to change America, and definitely not for the better. if like me. It seems crazy that Americans would actually vote in such huge numbers for globalist policies that will stop putting them first. One of their first goals will be to reverse all the policy changes that Trump has implemented such as the US withdrawal from the WHO and the Paris climate accords, the travel ban from certain Muslim countries and the ending of the 'Dreamers' immigration program. Fortunately, the voting of members to the House has not exactly gone their way, and I doubt that Biden will be able to get through a single one of his radical proposals without the Republicans fiercely challenging it. With a bit of luck, the screaming demented banshee known as Nancy Pelosi, will take the fall for the Democrats' failure to take control of the House and will finally be ousted.

Even if Trump is down. He is not one who likes to lose. I am pretty sure he will be running again in 2024. For someone who is an also-ran, he did spectacularly well. 
Democratic victory will be at best, lacklustre. They have not done well in the House of Representatives, and I doubt that Biden will be able to get through a single one of his radical proposals without the Republicans fiercely challenging it. 

Biden says he will unify America where Donald Trump has divided it. Isn't that ironic! Haven't the Democrats been doing that ever since Trump's Inauguration Day? It is impossible to unify a country that is so polarised and bitterly divided. Over 70,000,000 Americans voted for Trump on November 3rd 2020, in spite of the disdainful and sometimes abusive attacks on them by the intolerant left all over the country. You know, the same hypocrites that try to lecture us on being tolerant? I can understand why a lot of students would support Socialism when they have had so much brainwashing by university teaching staff who should be encouraging diversity of opinion, along with all the other diversites they promote. But I find it incredulous to think that people old enough to remember the frightening rise of Communism in the 1950s and its anti-capitalist ideology, would suddenly be embracing it now in 2020.

The Trump supporters are the people Hillary Clinton referred to pejoratively as 'deplorables'. In actual fact, they come from all walks of life, including traditional families, conservative students, gay people, black voters, Latinos, Muslims, Christians, Orthodox Jews, Asians and of course the white working class. Those never Trumpers who have dismissed them as racists and bigots have demonstrated their intellectual paucity by buying into the propaganda coming from social media and progressive news channels like the Cable News Network. They have shown how easily they have been brainwashed by the left wing media. This is why the term 'red-pilling' has been used to describe someone who has become aware of this manipulation and has consequently made a conscious decision to liberate their mindset from that of the sheeple. 

The mainstream news channel CNN meanwhile, was gearing up for the big blue wave. It did not materialise quite as they had anticipated. On election day, the deplorables came out in huge numbers. That should tell people that these media companies and social media sites cannot silence opinion however much they think they can. Nor can they manipulate and control everyone like a communist government or like a fascist dictatorship does. To heal America's divide will require an end to mass censorship by the big tech companies, an end to suppression of subjectively defined hate speech, and a lot more journalistic integrity on the part of the media news channels who have abandoned fair and accurate reporting in the name of popularity ratings. I'll be very surprised if Joe Biden will be running the country longer than a year even if he does get into the White House. I use the word 'running' in its loosest sense as Joe is not likely to be doing anything faster than a slow shuffle given his past track record and by virtue of the fact that he is showing outward signs of cognitive decline. Kamala Harris is like the lady president in waiting, the face of radicalism behind the benign mask of Biden, ready to assume control when the time is right.

 Trump may be down but he is not yet out. For someone who is an also-ran, he did spectacularly well, and the Democratic victory will be at best, lacklustre. Trump's path to the presidency is a slim one, but it is not over for him yet.  And even if he fails in his bid to get a second term, who knows, maybe Donald Trump Jr. will follow in his father's footsteps? He certainly has enough charisma to continue the Trump legacy. The battle for the heart and soul of America is not ended. If a controversial figure like Trump can get close to 50% of the vote even with most of the press and the social media giants working against him, just imagine what damage a refined speaker and impassioned black Republican politician like Candace Owens or a news anchor like Tucker Carlson could do in 2024.


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