The big lie about socialism

This is a very long political post, so those who are likely to be offended, the Trotskyists, Leninists and Stalinists of this world, please stop reading now. This post is going to be brutal. I'm not pulling my punches anymore, you see? If that bothers you, then you have every right to be offended. You just don't have the right to trample all over my freedom of speech. And right now, I claim my right to offend people.

My dad brought me up to develop an innate fear and disliking for Maggie Thatcher the milk snatcher. Unfortunately that is a pet peeve I failed to inherit from him . The truth is, I can't help but admire the old battle-axe. She had a bigger set of balls than most guys today of the younger male generation. And one of her truest quotes was this:

"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

Well, she almost certainly didn't say that exactly. She was more likely paraphrased. But in essence, she was right. You see, we only have two tried and tested economic models:

Capitalism and Socialism 

The main difference is that only one of these actually works. Only one fosters the human spirit of competitiveness, innovation and creativity. The other is a pile of steaming horse manure, which offers nothing but stagnation, lack of innovation and creativity, no open market and no motivation to compete. 

Socialism may look good on paper, but in practice it's terrible, and it’s so bad that it takes civil unrest and revolutionary tactics to foist it onto the general populous. Revolutions or uprisings have sometimes been justified per se when there seems to have been such a blatant disregard for the working class and indifference to their plight. The French Revolution (though not a socialist revolution) is one obvious example. The Bolshevik uprising is perhaps another. But in spite of that, there was no justification to overthrow the de facto capitalist system. The revolution just gave the means by which socialism could take root. Quite often there isn’t even any reason or cause to have a revolution. That is why trained marxists have to foment civil unrest to bring about the necessary conditions for a one. One way is to introduce a concept or idea that engenders the need for change. 

The most obvious example of change that springs to mind is the hysterical message of climate change. It is a left wing cult that exploits fear and panic in order to allow for big sweeping changes to happen. No one can deny that our climate is heating up; that the earth is undergoing a global warming. No one is denying that in fact. This is the thing though. How do we go about solving the climate change conundrum? That is really the question that we are fighting over. And listening to self-appointed child messiahs and scare-mongering millennial prophets of doom like Greta Thunderbirds is only going to benefit one person: Greta herself and her over inflated ego. Sorry, I guess that makes two people? 

Be realistic. Making a whole infrastructure of eco friendly electric cars and bikes is actually going to increase carbon emissions exponentially. First of all, the lithium that powers the batteries has to be mined. Extracting the lithium takes a lot of power. Generating the power needed to recharge the batteries cannot be done through renewable energy sources at the present time. This is the problem. If you want to be really eco friendly, you have to stop all air flights, yachting trips and cruise ships. 

That means you Harry, prince of Woke who goes on about the importance of saving water when he lives in a mansion in one of the most elitist areas of Beverley Hills: Santa Barbara. His mansion has 16 bathrooms no less; each one with flowing hot and cold taps to boot. Is that, right eh, Harry? What a self-serving hypocrite you are.

The problem is that the young generation have been brought up to believe the lies that capitalism is evil and that socialism actually works. Not only that, but socialism’s core message of equality for all has been used as an advertising gimmick and propaganda tool to reel people in, hook, line and sinker. I am making it my life's mission to educate people to the reality of socialism. It doesn't work. It cannot work due to the lack of innovation and economic drive. Moreover, capitalism needs to make constant readjustments to outside factors and influences. Business models need to make thousands of changes and modifications to survive in a competitive market. When you have one government in control of all businesses, it is just impossible for it to be able to make all these adaptations and adjustments than it would be if companies were controlled by individuals.

Socialist propaganda fosters among young people feelings of social injustice, even where none exists. That is why people can get behind a group like Black Lives Matter. Who wouldn't support racial injustice? “Hey you bigot, show your solidarity!” “Wave your fist in the air to show your support for black people”. “Kneel down, white man, and show your subservience to your new masters!” “No justice, no peace, comrade!”

Black Lives Matter is not about racial justice. It is about submission of white people. It is about ritual humiliation. It is about erasing white identity and rewriting history. Students are easily duped into believing that the British Empire was an evil and a white supremacist institution. I've known plenty of them who like to think they can lecture everyone else on morality, chant about how racist Churchill was. They like nothing better than to judge people by the impossible standards of today. These same virtue signalling sycophants go on about human rights while ignoring the rights of the most vulnerable in our society: the unborn. Yes, foetus lives also matter. Truth is nuanced. 

Churchill did refer to certain other races as savages. But in those days, there was a great disparity in culture that exists even today. Not all cultures are equal and worthy of respect. If we are to believe that they are, then we have to also believe that the practices of head shrinking, self flagellation, wife beating, lip plating and other extreme body modifications that were prevalent in certain cultures, are just as reasonable and valid as our own. We have to say that cultures which engender cannibalism are equal to our Christian values. The hell with that!

If you support BLM than you are accepting the narrative that black people will always be oppressed and amount to nothing in this world. If you think that, it is you who are the racist, not me. I don't give a fig what your skin colour is. I take you as I find you.

It doesn't matter that Empire building was being done by a lot of nations, including the Dutch, the Austrian, the Ottomans (Turks), the Mongolians, the Prussians, and even individual leaders like Alexander the Great or Napoleon Bonaparte who ruled the French Empire. It was not just an attribute of white Caucasians. Expanding territories was the way of the world back then. We as the English, benefitted from the Roman Empire. We're not moaning about the racist Romans just because they decided to invade our land.

The fact remains that the Empire did a lot of good and harm in equal measure. But if you have to criticise it, you cannot conveniently forget the other empires. It doesn't work that way, sorry. 

The biggest empire to date is of course the Islamic Empire or Caliphate. I differentiate it from the Ottoman Empire because it is not the same and deflects attention from the religious goal of Political Islam: conversion by coercion if not through voluntary means. It too, just like communism, masquerades as something it is not. It asks for people to be tolerant to it while not affording the same tolerance towards other faiths. It truly is insidious. Political Islam and Socialism are cut from the same cloth. They will form a natural alliance together before one will usually do away with the other. Most of the time, it seems to be Islam that wins. Only with China, it is proving to be the opposite. The Chinese Dragon is truly a redoubtable adversary.

I also remember my Animal Farm. "All Animals are equal. But some are more equal than others". When the state has the power, they will want the wealth for themselves. Equal distribution, Ha! Show me where that has worked. Show me one state which has successfully been nothing but impeccable in the way in which it has redistributed the money coming into it. No? What a surprise! Somehow, I didn't think you could.

Yes, capitalism is not perfect. That is why we have the welfare state. Even the most capitalist country in the world, the USA (well, it was before Obama and the Klingons – ahem sorry - Clintons came along and socialised the hell out of it, has always had the welfare state. This is what saves capitalism from its terrible excesses.

No socialist state has ever made it without embracing capitalism in some form or another either. That is a fact. Even China did that, as did the USSR I think, before it collapsed. So capitalism is always needed in one way or another. You can shut it out, but it has a habit of creeping back like an old familiar friend.

Venezuela has tried to remain socialist, even to the point of printing more of its currency, which in the end does nothing but create super inflation, and now people are eating their pets to survive. They are literally starving to death. They are still fleeing the country in their droves, like war-torn refugees because not even Fido or Rover can assuage their driving hunger for long. And yet, young people still remain under the misapprehension that it wasn’t proper socialism; that socialism will be better next time. However intelligent the youth of today like to think they are, it seems that there is no substitute for wisdom and experience.

Cuba has also remained socialist, and, don't be fooled by the propaganda, it really is a God-awful place to live in. Don't believe me? Just look at this video: 

North Korea, well, when do I even begin? A secret state ruled by a crazy guy with a bad haircut who likes to kill dissenters, even family members, in the most ridiculously over-the-top ways possible, such as by the use of anti-aircraft guns. Kim Jong Un is worshipped as a God, which is to be expected. You cannot have freedom of religion in a socialist state because the state is the religion and like a jealous wife, it does not allow any competition to get in its way. Uh-uh! That's why the Uighur Muslims are being oppressed right now. They pose an existential threat to communist China's authority. They do the same to Christians even though Christianity poses far less of a threat; Judaism even less still.

Those Socialist models like Sweden, Finland and Denmark? They are nothing more than Free market economies (CAPITALIST in other words) who just happen to have a much higher element of socialism than the UK does right now. They are not socialist countries. That is why I respect Bernie Sanders even though he has his terminology confused. Bernie is at least a moderate. I can't say the same for Beijing Biden or Kmer Harris.

Today, our young people have now been brainwashed into thinking that socialism is the way to go. It's amazing how a new generation of kids can be so easily tricked by those in education that should know better. You know who you are, you indoctrinators posing as university lecturers and teachers. Your one task should be to broaden a young person's mind, not poison it with your false narratives, forever fuelled by the flames of climate change hysteria and globalist propaganda.

Yes, you can dress socialism up however much you like. It's still garbage for the reason already stated. Calling it utopian socialism, democratic socialism etc doesn't change how it is in essence. All you are doing is obfuscating the gullible. You can put a wig on a pig and call it Miss Piggy. Sure, it may look glamorous but it's still the same pig who likes rolling around in its own feculence.

Money and wealth always corrupt. With capitalism, they corrupt individuals. Think of the Wolf of Wall Street. Think of those massively greedy stockbrokers at the World Trade Center.

With socialism, it is the state that gets corrupted. That is why they have to intimidate and threaten people into submission by using their hired muscle, secret police, Gestapo, Stasi, them what you like as it pretty much amounts to the same thing. In order for the State to remain in power, it must control people. And consider this: if capitalism is taken to the extreme, you end up with a load of greedy fat cats. But you still live in a free society where wealth is king. I'm no idiot. I know which one I'd prefer.

If socialism is taken to the extreme, that of course leads to communism, and evil fascist dictators like Stalin, Pol Pot and Fidel Castro. Don't be fooled by the ridiculously false narrative about right-wing totalitarian leaders. Right-wing extremism is no longer a significant cause for concern. It exists, sure. But now, the main threat is coming from left-wing extremism. It always has done. Right wingers still believe in individual freedoms more than the left ever has.

Over 65,000,000 people have died in communist regimes at an educated guess. Let that sink in a moment. That's about the equivalent to the UK population.

Socialism cannot replace capitalism without individuals giving up their rights to property and private wealth. Will they do that willingly? Of course they won’t! So what's the answer?

La revoluciĆ³n (pronounced like re-vo-looth-ee-yon) 

These young people with their Che Guevara t-shirts proclaiming him as a martyr, must surely realise he was no martyr. He died in a way probably far less horrible than those he inflicted on others I will say this of him. He died giving his life to a cause that he believed to be right and just. And that's me being generous. I'm not going to hero worship the guy; nor should anyone.

Question: how do you make a revolution in an ordered society? Answer - you fracture society into collectives and minority groups, each vying for attention and dominance in a continual power struggle. The society tears itself apart. In the midst of the confusion, the revolutionaries make a power grab.

LGBT, feminists, climate change activists, radical Muslims, Tories (now fascists apparently), Black Lives Matter, other Marxist groups and now, Jesuits...

Each group will happily eat up the one before it, like a snake devouring its own tail. Right now, feminism is losing the battle with radical transgenderism on the legal definition of woman. 

We are on the point of societal fracture. The detestable London mayor, Sadistic Khan, decorated the London sky on New Year’s Eve, with symbols of resistance and revolution. During his tenure, the crime rate has soared to its highest levels. He needs to go, because he has destroyed our once great Capital.

I used to be left. But in order to stay on the left, you need to stay progressive for change. You need to be constantly seeking equality.

I'll be as clear as I can be. Equality is impossible when considering people as groups.

We can be given the same equality of rights as individuals, yes. That is possible. We can be given the same opportunities regardless of sexual proclivity, race or religion. Yes, all that is possible. Not only possible in fact. It is already the law.

Why are young people still pushing for this equality? Who is not equal in the law? I'll tell you the answer. No one is. We are all equal in the eyes of the law. 

So why do we need a revolution? Well, we don't. We just need to heal tensions that have been deliberately and maliciously created or exploited for political gain.

The young people of today are getting all their information about how good socialism is from Google, from Tech Giants, from Catholic sects that are espousing communism. These same people who by the way, happen to make their billions selling you iPhones, laptops, mobile phones and computers on the capitalist market. These are the same people who are going to end up with control of the world's wealth. Right now they are fooling you into giving them that control. And one of the worst offenders is the most powerful Catholic alive right now. Let me give you a clue by saying immediately that I’m not talking about the pope. It's the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, a Venezuelan guy called Arturo Sosa; the guy that even Pope Francis has to answer to. Francis being pope doesn't change that fact.

You bet I'm not having it! This is where I fight back along with a lot of other peed off silent majority people. We are not going to lie down while the UK is turned into a communist state. Neither will our good friends across the pond in the USA. Socialism will just make everyone poor while the state gets rich. The state will collapse. And then students will believe the lie that this wasn't proper socialism so we need to do it again and next time it will be right. Except it won't. I have already given the reasons for this. You just need to take them on board. Would a diagram make it easier for you? Well here you go then:-

If you thought I was deluded for supporting Trump, I'm sorry to say that I believe you to be the one who has been tricked. If you are a devout pro life Christian, then you really shouldn’t be supporting Biden and his radical leftist agenda, quite frankly. If Trump's locker room comments on grabbing women by a certain area (and I've never condoned these comments by the way) made you blind to the sexual impropriety of Joe Biden, you need to understand that you have been emotionally manipulated. You are part of the problem. 

Were you equally blind to his racism, or his earlier support of racial segregation? Were you too busy calling Trump a racist to understand that the US has a huge problem with child traffickers? Did you not notice the #SAVEOURCHILDRENWORLDWIDE movement going on? Did you not see the connection between Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons? Did the Lolita Express not make any connections in your brain? Did you realise that child porn has been found on Hunter Biden's laptop? No, it is nothing to do with racism, my friends. It is about the prevention of child abuse and paedophilia. It's also about stemming the flow of opioids, cocaine and other narcotics, which are killing ordinary Americans by the hundreds of thousands. Last year, 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses.

If you decried the travel ban on the grounds of racism, while conveniently ignoring the fact that these same countries implemented an Israeli ban, and have been doing so for ages, then you had better keep your mouth shut unless you can somehow reconcile two conflicting thought processes. Trump has made Americans safer from Islamic terrorism. 

By the way, I heard that the dodgy Dominion software that was used in the Venezuela elections, and more recently, in the USA Presidential Elections, is the same software that is going to be used in the May 2021 London Mayoral Elections. Well put it this way, Khan has not denied it so far...

If you have read this all the way to the end then congratulations are in order. You may be laughing. You may indeed be rather annoyed. You have every right to be annoyed. Just don't be annoyed with me. I'm only the messenger. The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


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