The big lie about socialism

This is a very long political post, so those who are likely to be offended, the Trotskyists, Leninists and Stalinists of this world, please stop reading now. This post is going to be brutal. I'm not pulling my punches anymore, you see? If that bothers you, then you have every right to be offended. You just don't have the right to trample all over my freedom of speech. And right now, I claim my right to offend people. My dad brought me up to develop an innate fear and disliking for Maggie Thatcher the milk snatcher. Unfortunately that is a pet peeve I failed to inherit from him . The truth is, I can't help but admire the old battle-axe. She had a bigger set of balls than most guys today of the younger male generation. And one of her truest quotes was this: "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Well, she almost certainly didn't say that exactly. She was more likely paraphrased. But in essence, she was right. You...