Fight For Trump: The MAGA March to Washington D.C.

Trump supporters know that if Biden gets into the White House, then so will China by proxy, and global communism will have defeated western democracy. This will convey the clear message that lies, deception and cheating are perfectly fine and acceptable ways to achieve political ends. Most people who follow conservative news channels, in other words non-mainstream news, know that there was there wide-scale voter fraud. It was on a scale so blatant and so huge that it managed to change the outcome of the election itself, thereby cheating over 74,000,000 registered voters out of a free and fair election. Every trick under the sun was used to subvert the 2020 elections, from dead people voting to ballot dumps and even fake ballots. But the biggest and most adacious thing by far was the Dominion electronic voting software which was used to flip votes from Trump to Biden, not to mention outside interference by several countries. Trump had to lose, you see? He needed to be defeated wh...