A Plea for Unity and Rational Thinking

Western society is very sick at the moment. Never before have we been so divided. We used to be a country full of proud patriotic British people who waved Union Jack flags during the Last Night at the Proms, singing Rule Britannia. Our voices rang out in unison. People were proud to be British. Now we just seem to be a society that has been grouped, not by social class but by ethnicity, religion, sexual preference and political leanings. Each collective group is competing with each other to get to the dominant position at the top. Society is falling apart. The idea of the traditional heterosexual family unit is seen as somehow part of white culture. My name is Peter. This is the name which gives me my uniqueness as an individual; the name that sets me apart from others. People might class me as a right wing nowadays, which is strange really because I considered myself left wing a few years back. Right wing, left wing, what do these terms mean anymore? They are clearly not objectively...